The single largest factor in the successful investments of Goldenwrist Capital is to choose the right project to invest in. Location is a significant factor in making this decision. Goldenwrist Capital believes on a macro scale, that the United States is a target rich environment, and the best country to conduct real estate investments in.

In America, Goldenwrist Capital has targeted the state of Texas, which is one of the best states in America to invest into multifamily real estate due to its culture of apartment-living.

From there, we homed in on one of the best cities within Texas, one with the most multifamily units in the county, major nation-wide highways running through it, ample job growth and job opportunities, and a booming economy and growing population. This is the city of Houston.

Finally, After choosing the optimal country, state, and city, Goldenwrist Capital strategically invests in parts of town with the highest growth and upside potential yet has deeply distressed multifamily neighborhoods.

Why Texas, where all Goldenwrist Capital properties are located, had the largest percentage increase in employment and the largest job gains in the US


WHY Houston – a growing market due to high positive immigration, with a strong and diverse labor market

  • #1 in Texas: The largest metropolis in Texas.
  • In the international migration rate in relation to outward migration and in fifth place in the USA
  • #2 in Texas: Fortune 500 headquarters located in the city, only third to New York and Chicago, out of these headquarters, the Hewlett Packard company and the Amazon Tech Hub were moved
  • #1 in the World: Largest medical center in the world and the 8th largest business district in the US, with over 106,000 employees.
  • #4 in the United States: The fourth largest metropolis in the USA
  • %0 State and city taxes and low cost of living lead to positive and high domestic migration to Houston
  • $191K Median price per unit.
Why Houston? rent as a percentage of household income is 12% below national average and the lowest across Texas, Making it one of the most desirable cities.

WHY Houston – a growing market due to high positive immigration, with a strong and diverse labor market

  • #1 in Texas: The largest metropolis in Texas.
  • In the international migration rate in relation to outward migration and in fifth place in the USA
  • #2 in Texas: Fortune 500 headquarters located in the city, only third to New York and Chicago, out of these headquarters, the Hewlett Packard company and the Amazon Tech Hub were moved
  • #1 in the World: Largest medical center in the world and the 8th largest business district in the US, with over 106,000 employees.
  • #4 in the United States: The fourth largest metropolis in the USA
  • %0 State and city taxes and low cost of living lead to positive and high domestic migration to Houston
  • $191K Median price per unit.
Why Houston? rent as a percentage of household income is 12% below national average and the lowest across Texas, Making it one of the most desirable cities.


Goldenwrist Capital aims to be a self sufficient, and a self-reliant company, being in control of every step of real estate investing. The firm works with its sister company TOKI Property Management, which manages all of Goldenwrist Capitals properties. Every task necessary to acquire, stabilize and liquidate is done-in house, including acquisition, liquidation, management, renovation, logistics, distribution, insurance, accounting, and finance. Goldenwrist Capital aims to enter the banking sector next, completing its full horizontal and vertical integration. This conglomerate allows Goldenwrist Capital to operate more effectively, efficiently and quickly than any known competitor.



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